Burn prevention with children


By Felicia Mull

Guest writer

  • Image by Three-shots from Pixabay
    Image by Three-shots from Pixabay

If you have children in your home,you want to keep them safe and help them live to their full potential. According to the CDC, every day, more than 300 children from the ages of 0-19 are in emergency rooms for burn related injuries. Knowing how to prevent this leading cause of childhood injury is a step towards keeping them safe. Younger children are more likely to sustain scald burns that are caused from steam or hot liquids. Older children are more likely to sustain injuries from flame related burns caused from direct contact with fire.

Key Prevention Tips:

·     Check water temperature- Set your water thermostat to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Infants and small children may not be able to get away from hot water, but by maintaining a constant thermostat setting, you will be able to control the water temperature throughout your home.

·     Alarms- Smoke alarms should be installed in your home on every floor and near all rooms that family members sleep in. These alarms should be tested once a month to ensure they are properly working.

·     Cook with care- Use safe cooking practices at all times, but especially when children are near. Food should never be left unattended on the stove, and older children’s use of stoves, microwaves and ovens should always be supervised.

·     Have an escape plan- Create and practice a family escape plan. Make sure that all members of your home are familiar with the plan and know what to do in case of an emergency.

·     Fire extinguisher- A small fire extinguisher can be kept in the kitchen in case of emergencies. These can be purchased at many local stores such as Lowes, Wal-Mart, etc.

Call Report for 9/12-9/18

Medical Assist-10

MVA- 2

Good Intent- 2

Aircraft Standby- 2