Your views: November 19, 2020


A man is a woman and a vote for Trump is a vote for Biden

George Orwell’s “1984” has come to the year 2020. A man who cannot win with the men can cut off his man parts and call himself a woman so he can finally “win.” When he crosses the finish line ahead of all the skinny girls with half his muscle mass he is so proud he has “won.” 

Have we no shame anymore? Is he really a “winner?” In what sense? It doesn’t make sense. Cheating to win isn’t winning at all. When we alter things to make them appear the way we want them rather than the way they actually are, this is a spirit of manipulation, a Jezebel spirit. We know what happened to her.

Anita Segers


Affordable Care Act enrollment underway

Open Enrollment for the 2021 Affordable Care Act is underway and closes Dec. 15, 2020. The marketplace health insurance coverage (formally Obamacare) comprehensive health insurance is affordable and a Premium Tax Credit grant is there for at least 95 percent of enrollees in this rural area.

Accurate and free assistance to explain the Affordable Care Act and help with application sign up if you desire is available in both Clay and Cherokee counties. Certified Application Counselor Linda Curtis-Palmieri is available to help. She works in both counties and hopes you will call for a free appointment at (828)  400-3149. You can leave a voice message or text leaving your name and phone number. Linda Curtis-Palmieri will schedule an appointment and discuss the paperwork you need to bring to this meeting.

Again this a free service; together you choose the best policy for you and family members. Curtis-Palmieri hopes to see all the new folks and previous enrollees. Just call and she will schedule a private, confidential appointment. You are under no obligation to enroll at the appointment time. You will receive a copy of all the completed paperwork. Call Linda for help and an appointment (828) 400-3149.

Curtis-Palmieri wants to protect you from COVID infection and several options for your meeting are available. A face to face meeting with mask and temperature check is available, a Zoom meeting can be used, telephone meeting, too.

Curtis-Palmieri is employed through Mountain Projects a community non profit located in Waynesville N.C. This is a total free service. Her goal is to help you understand and use the Health Insurance Marketplace to your best advantage. If you choose, she will submit the paperwork online with your permission or just print a copy you can take home for further consideration. You can use the paperwork and apply online at: at your convenience. 

Thank you, 

Judith Wikstrom, Family Nurse Practitioner 


Election’s over, but wear Trump gear with pride

It is over, Biden is president? To use Biden’s words, how could you elect such a clown? After what they called Trump, this is mild. Trump would have won if the states had not flooded the voting boxes with paper. To use words of rich Hillary Clinton — don’t concede. Trump has the right. I voted absentee, I got mine in the mail, with two more requests. We learned that ballots were auto mail.

I am afraid that Democrats are not happy with the win. Biden and the rest will hound Trump to the grave or the poor house or jail, like they did the past four years. Parents and grandparents will look at their kids and try to tell them why the United States will be like it is. Explain what a socialist is and do it between American history. You won’t find it in any school book. All I can say is buy a confederate flag, a Trump flag and American flag. Fly them proudly. 

For the Democrats who helped to vote Harris in, you did our country a good screwing. All you have to do is look at her state of California’s high taxes, no help for the people and drug needles and use in the streets. Public bathrooms? Oh that means what and wherever in the streets. Rats as big as small dogs, you feel sorry for immigrants, free everything, maybe your job health care, housing. If you are like me and live alone, the government will move three or four families in my space and yours. Go on a computer and check.

Worried about climate change? Solar panels — not in my new roof. Get rid of fossil fuels? My WP gas bill was under $1,000 for the first time in years. Electrical is down. Forget all this. When fossil fuels are gone, like in the Green New Deal — you must have voted for. The government will pay for it with higher taxes on all of us. Thanks a lot friends.

I could go on, but you voted for it. Let the nightmare attack. Whether sleeping or awake, it is real. One thing that bothers me. Biden wanted to be president so bad to make the history books. Harris [wanted to be] a vice president to make this a commie country.

Republicans and Democrats will still be rich and crooked. The voter sucked in will end up paying most of the bill. Now, group all these people together. Four reasons Trump their hate of the man. Changes “he” made, a floored ballot box and not understanding socialism and communism are the same.

Read the Biden and Sanders manifest. Look at your kids. Tell them what America has stepped in. Pray we make it out in four years. If you are like me, I will keep wearing my Trump gear. So when Biden’s crew starts messing up the United States, they will know where I stand. Wear your Trump gear soon and let people know you and I aren’t alone.

Michael Holden


Family thankful for outpouring of love, support

The family of Malisa Moffat would like to thank the community for their outpouring of love and support after as we grieved the loss of our mother, sister, aunt and Mimi. We sincerely appreciated the thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Thank you to those who sent food, stopped by the house, or came to the services. Your generosity was overwhelming. We thank you and love you.

The Moffat and Moore family


HHI thankful for support

The Historic Hayesville Inc. seventh annual Trash to Treasure sale was a very successful fundraiser made possible by community support. Sincere appreciation goes out to Fred Nienaber, owner of Blair Creek Plaza and property manager Debbie Woody of Mountain Sunrise Realty for allowing use of their excellent showroom space providing lots of room for displays and social distance guidelines. 

Thank you to those who donated quality items and to those who shopped for wonderful bargains. The event was well organized and made possible by a great team of volunteers who are also appreciated for all their work on HHI projects. Our town is small with independent businesses and local nonprofit organizations surviving with quality partnerships for which we are very grateful. 

Thank you to all who supported this event which has provided funds for HHI to continue our work plans for next year with community partners and projects. 

Marie Thompson and Sandy Zimmerman, HHI Board Members & Event Co-Chairs 


Local BOE deserves credit for a job well done

There certainly has been a great deal of discussion about our election processes and systems lately.  Our Clay County Board of Elections could be the poster child for a well-run board.

Clay County Board of Elections Director Rebecca Hall and Deputy Director Patty Swanson operate a smooth office all year long. Election 2020 was a big one and our public servants were unruffled.

 I was an official observer for four hours daily for 14 days at early voting. Every voter was treated with respect and any questions were answered or details explained in a calm and professional manner that put the voter at ease. It was wonderful to watch. 

I also observed during the weekly meetings of the staff and board members before and after Nov. 3 as they processed absentee ballots and carefully checked and double checked all tallies. I learned a lot about how much goes into an election that the voter doesn’t see.

  The many election laws and operating procedures are clearly adhered to. There were special challenges this cycle due to laws being challenged in the courts, changed, and in some cases, changed again. All these challenges were successfully met.

 I want to express appreciation also to the five board members who put in long hours and take their shared responsibility of oversight of the process very seriously. There is a high degree of trust in the room. Our county has a fine institution in charge of our election process.  Thanks Rebecca and Patty and all the poll workers. Thanks also to every citizen who exercised their right and privilege by voting this year.

 Barbara Lanwermeyer, Chair, Clay County Democratic Party


Primary school an impressive addition

Lisa Burch recently gave me a grand tour of the new Hayesville Primary School.  I was very impressed with this spacious school that has a postcard perfect view of the Tusquittee mountains.

The children’s chairs and tables were beautiful.  Hard wooden desks like we had when I grew up, were not in this new school.  The wide hallways were spotless clean.  Each classroom was awesome and equipped with modern technology and wonderful work stations for special projects.  No outdated green chalkboards were visible.

I’m glad art and music were included in the curriculums for students to express their creativity.  We’ve made profound progress in education since I was graduated from Hayesville High School, but I recall I had outstanding teachers who made a lasting influence on my life.  We are very blessed to still have dedicated teachers in the Clay County School District.

Additionally, the primary school cafeteria had many windows for the students to enjoy the scenery and the delicious meals.  I understand we really needed this “lunchroom” because the other one was so crowded.  The splendid gymnasium in this school just sparkled with the glossy floors.  I was amazed at the colorful green and yellow playground equipment.  I wanted to become a kid again and whiz down the slide.  We’ve come a long way since I was in the first grade at Hayesville.  We didn’t have any playground equipment except a wooden seesaw, tin slide that burned the skin, and a rocky hillside for a playground.  These students are so fortunate to have such a wonderful place for “recess.”

I could hardly believe that we have such a state-of-the-art primary school in Clay County.  Arguably it exceeds any school in any city in America!

Finally, God bless our precious little children as their lives are enriched through the educational system at the Hayesville Primary School.  It’s all about the kids!

A grateful graduate of Hayesville High School,

Brenda Kay Ledford