N.C. congressman wants school choice for students facing mask mandates, CRT


By Mitch Kokai

Carolina Journal

  • U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop. R-9th District. (Photo from C-SPAN.org)
    U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop. R-9th District. (Photo from C-SPAN.org)

A Republican congressman from North Carolina would expand school choice for students across the nation facing mask mandates or classroom instruction based on Critical Race Theory.https://www.claychambernc.com/

U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop, R-9th District, introduced this week the Mask Off Act and the No Corrupt Racist Training Act.

The measures would give "families the freedom to pursue alternative education options if their school implements needless mask mandates or indoctrinates their children with Critical Race Theory," according to a news release from Bishop's office.

“Federal education dollars should follow America’s students, not the system," Bishop said. "This should be true in all cases, but especially if a school is forcing masks on children or teaching divisive Critical Race Theory. If such mandates or indoctrinating curricula are in place, then families should be able to do what is best for their own kids and have the freedom to pursue alternative education options. My bills will help families do that. Our education system must serve our students—not the agenda of the Leftist political class.”

Bishop touts the two new measures as bringing families "much-needed school choice." Both bills rely on federal Opportunity grants.

Students would be eligible for the grants if they live in school districts with mask mandates. They also would be eligible to students "who attend schools advancing Critical Race Theory," according to Bishop's release.

Grants would be funded by redirecting 10% of appropriated funding from Title 1 of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act. "These grants will be means-tested to reflect annual income and could be used for private school tuition, costs associated with homeschooling, learning pods and microschools, and other educational materials," according to Bishop's release.

“Kudos to Rep. Bishop for listening to families and not bureaucrats, unions, or public school advocacy organizations," said Terry Stoops, director of the Center for Effective Education at the John Locke Foundation. "This legislation would provide children the kinds of comfortable and welcoming learning environments needed to be successful in school.”

Democrats outnumber Republicans now in the U.S. House, 220-212. There's no indication that the Democratic majority will push either bill this year.