Red Cross Blood Drive

  • Image from Pixabay
    Image from Pixabay

 The American Red Cross of Asheville, will be at Clay County Community Service Building Conference Room, on December 13, 2019. The blood drive will begin at 11am, ending at 4pm, and is hosted by the American Legion Auxilliary Unit 532.

      "Every blood type is needed.  Blood donations are being distributed to hospitals faster than donations are coming in.  Patients are at risk for surgeries or treatment.  Blood products are perishable and the only source of life saving blood is you, the blood donors."

     The auxilliary hosted a blood drive in July of this year. There were 49 appointments, but only 35 were taken, including me, a first time donor. So whether this might be your first time or your fiftieth, please come out and support this life-saving cause.

     There are three ways to do this:

·     Online visit:

·     Calling (800) 733-2767

·     Walk-in